WATER: (sound + touch + sight +) taste; as in eating food, we need saliva to dissolve and perceive the food itself. Gunas: Heavy (because always responds to gravity by going fromRead More…
WATER: (sound + touch + sight +) taste; as in eating food, we need saliva to dissolve and perceive the food itself. Gunas: Heavy (because always responds to gravity by going fromRead More…
AIR: (sound +) touch because air holds sound and we perceive air through its movement Gunas: mobile, dry, light, clear and rough, (for example, strong wind) and cold (cosmic air as aRead More…
SPACE: is connected to sound; is clarity and expansion. Gunas – subtle, clear, soft, cold, immeasurable, empty, descent of intelligence into the heart of the matter, love, and all-pervasive. Has no resistantRead More…